Ok, guys let’s imagine we get in some way the foot print from the moon.
I’m going to love the simple managing files through ssh. The most simple download files option
scp username@hostname:/path/to/remote/file /path/to/local/file
Customer faced mass bot registration on WordPress. Telegram, Blogspot etc.
telegram @****** - BAM 56699 EURO ruocjtrbdnl
telegram @****** - BAM 79079 EURO ieuxvsvibji
telegram @****** - BAM 88249 USD bmsnjgferuf
telegram @****** - BAM 45024 EURO jalptxjuudc
telegram @****** - BAM 11667 USD cgvektvdqiz
telegram @****** - BAM 46566 EURO lukfmhyrjzs
telegram @****** - BAM 48437 USD vrhwflfatui
telegram @****** - BAM 24468 USD wjfsnzljtdb
telegram @****** - BAM 52535 RUB dckdsvsknhy
telegram @****** - BAM 81690 EURO kkfabplgxpk
The first move was creating rules for identification the bots and add it to the ‘woocommerce_registration_errors’ hook;
function example_identiffication( $errors, $username, $email ) {
$reg_email_condition = mstrpos($email);
$reg_username_condition = mstrpos($username);
if (reg_username_condition !== false || $reg_email_condition !== false) {
$errors->add( 'registration-error-invalid-email', __( 'User is not valid! Please use a different one and try again.', 'woocommerce' ) );
return $errors;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_registration_errors', 'example_identiffication', 20, 3 );
woocommerce breaking products list
I still working on migration.
I need import the new terms and taxonomies into the site. Than import the ACF fields for all of them.
First of all I checked out of the box taxonomies. This is request for checking LIVE extra taxonomies. The mirror operation was provided over Dev. Before I had imported 4 tables related to the terms and taxonomies, which were renamed. In this instance I compared wp_terms_dev
by slug.
SELECT wp_terms.term_id, wp_terms.name, wp_terms.slug, wp_term_taxonomy.taxonomy FROM wp_terms
LEFT JOIN wp_term_taxonomy ON (wp_term_taxonomy.term_id = wp_terms.term_id)
WHERE wp_terms.slug not in ( SELECT slug FROM wp_terms_dev
I have been truing to import the list of terms by function wp_insert_term() but it returns error (“Invalid taxonomy”) for “product_cat” taxonomy until I run the function in the add_action(‘init’, ‘function’); or ‘wp_head’ one.
WordPress/Woocommerce migration
There no any silver bullet in the best practices. I’ve interpolate the Git-workflow to the one of the project. For redesign and fill the categories pages was created duplicate of shop. This one suppose to be merged back into LIVE.
This solution was perfect and helps to avoid a lot of issues. However I didn’t predict the website has a lot issues by itself. These problems weren’t major and nobody noticed it. Until the migration day.
Guys figured out all of theirs issues and this stuff was related to my activity.
Content management assistant
Every developer going to have his pet project. I didn’t invent anything worth, but requests from my customers inspired my to try new approaches — create some ecosystem which could improve content managing experience.
So I am pretty sure that all the parts of service already exist on the market. However its combination in the particular situation helps to achieve goals and prepare base for further steps.